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DanielleLee Living

Yoga & Wakeful Living

Through frank inquiry, clear seeing and conscious endeavor, we can develop experiential insights and uncover our natural wakefulness. My endeavor is to rouse our inner compass for reclaiming what is powerful and beautiful in each of us, and elevating one another.

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About Me

I have been a dedicated practitioner of yoga for over 25 years and a teacher for 15. I am privileged to be guided by teachers who have imparted their wisdom and instilled in me the confidence to listen within as I walk the path that only I can walk on the journey of self-cultivation. I am equally privileged to be guiding others whom I respect as equals on this journey.

I teach Hatha Yoga and a distinctive form of Hatha Yoga known as Shadow Yoga. My teaching is rooted in classical Hatha Yoga tradition and Shadow Yoga methodology. It is also complemented by my studies in contemporary self-care modalities as well as traditional Korean art of drumming. My teaching aims to leave students with a wider imprint of awareness, self-trust, and integration.

About Me

"I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor."

Henry David Thoreau

My Offerings

Yoga Courses & Workshops

Private Yoga Instruction


Yoga Child's Pose
Ashtanga Yoga
My Offerings

Shadow Yoga

Shadow Yoga, founded by Shandor Remete, is a Hatha Yoga system that utilizes the principles and practices common to classical Hatha Yoga and the self cultivating aspects of martial arts and dance.  It places great importance on preparing the physical body and freeing it of its energetic obstructions as a foundation for progressing towards more internal aspects of Hatha Yoga.  Its distinctive preparatory work is called the “Preludes,” which are dynamic standing sequences involving strong leg work, circular and spiraling movements, coordination of limbs, rhythmic breathing and bandha.  Codified in ancient sciences of Marmas (vital junctions), Nadis (energetic pathways), and Vayus (internal winds), Preludes offer the crucial preparatory work in building the foundation necessary for true progress to unfold.

Shadow Yoga: Invite the guest

Shadow Yoga

My Shadow Yoga Offerings

Shadow Yoga Basics

These workshops/classes introduce various stances (static standing postures), karanas (dynamic spiraling movements integrating the limbs and spine), and subtle body cues based on principles of Shadow Yoga, with an aim of building strength and suppleness in the body, breath and mind.  


No prerequisites.  All levels are welcome.

Foundations of Shadow Yoga

Foundations course introduces the basic philosophy and practices of Shadow Yoga and is a requirement for studying the 3 Prelude forms.  This course will introduce the Shadow Yoga warmups, basic stances, karanas, rhythmic breathing and uddhiyana bandha.  Materials will be presented in a sequential, progressive manner to promote body memory, facilitate refinement, and encourage home practice.

No prerequisites.  All levels are welcome.


Shadow Yoga's distinctive feature is the preparatory work called the "Preludes," which are dynamic standing sequences designed to release obstructions, tensions and habits in the individual while cultivating strength, balance and awareness.  The Preludes utilize the principles and practices common to classical Hatha Yoga and the self-cultivating aspects of martial arts and dance, and provide a solid grounding to the study of any style of yoga and facilitates functional movements in daily life. 


Prerequisite: Foundations of Shadow Yoga.

Nrtta Sadhana

The Prelude work prepare the practitioner for the more subtle and refined karanas of the Nrtta Sadhana.


"The Nrtta is that Sadhana (the way of accomplishments) through which the sadhaka (aspirant) rediscovers the rhythmic life currents hidden in the body's folds and limbs by means of unimposed natural positioning and that is termed as karana (cause)." ~ from


Prerequisite: Competency in all 3 Preludes.

3 Preludes


The videos below give a glimpse of the three Shadow Yoga Prelude Forms demonstrated by Emma Balnaves, co-founder and director of Shadow Yoga.

Bala Krama

Stepping into Strength

Shadow Yoga: demonstrated by Emma Balnaves

Chaya Sancalanam

Churning of the Shadow Warrior

Shadow Yoga: demonstrated by Emma Balnaves

Kartikkeya Mandala

Garland of Light

Shadow Yoga: demonstrated by Emma Balnaves

Go to Workshops & Courses for my current offerings in Shadow Yoga

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Forward Fold

Yoga Courses & Workshops


Private Yoga

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My Offerings
Forward Fold

Yoga Courses & Workshops


Private Yoga

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