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Shadow Yoga Courses

Specialty Workshops

Shadow Yoga Courses

Specialty Workshops

Gentle Practice~Advanced Awareness

Tues, Feb 18, 2025

6:45- 8:00 pm ET​

Appropriate for all levels of practitioners, this open class is ideal for those seeking a gentle practice with advanced awareness cultivation.


We will practice simple stances, gentle movements, long-held postures, and Deep Relaxation/Yoga Nidra, all guided by inner body cues, to recalibrate and nourish our body, mind and spirit.


Live via Zoom, $30

Shadow Yoga Courses

Intro to Shadow Yoga

Sun, Feb 23, 2025

10:30-12:30 pm ET​

​Shadow Yoga, founded by Shandor Remete, is a Hatha Yoga system that utilizes the principles and practices common to classical Hatha Yoga and the self cultivating aspects of martial arts and dance. It places great importance on preparing the physical body and freeing it of its energetic obstructions as a foundation for progressing towards more internal aspects of Hatha Yoga.


This workshop will introduce foundational principles and warmup practices of Shadow Yoga. While a prerequisite for anyone wishing to begin their Shadow Yoga studies, this workshop will benefit all yoga practitioners looking for a gentle and effective warmup sequence as a standalone practice or to incorporate into an already established personal practice.​


Live via Zoom, $60.  Open to All.

Registration/Inquiry via email:

Refining Your Sadhana II

Thurs, Feb 13, 2025

6:45-8:45 pm ET​

This workshop is for those who have completed Refining Your Sadhana I and/or established Shadow Yoga practitioners with Nrtta Sadhana experience.


In this workshop and in subsequent guided sessions to follow, we will continue to build an embodied understanding of the different components of a yoga sadhana, including learning to establish easeful and stable seats to serve as a container for more refined, internal work to be introduced in future stages.


This workshop is a requirement for participating in upcoming Refining Your Sadhana II classes via Zoom.


Live via Zoom, $60

Registration/Inquiry via email:

Guided Practice:  Chaya Sancalanam Complete Practice Format


10:30-11:30 am ET​

  • Jan 4 & 18

  • Feb 1 & 22


​These classes will refine the second Prelude, Chaya Sancalanam, and will introduce foundational seats and finishing practices within a Full Practice Format.


Live via Zoom, $25 each

2024/2025 Fall/Winter Sessions for Established Shadow Yoga Practitioners


6:45-7:45 pm ET

  • Sept 26

  • Oct 10, 24

  • Nov 7, 21

  • Dec 5, 19

  • Jan 2, 16, 30

Freestyle Format


These guided sessions will be freestyle in format. They will include elements from the Preludes and Nrtta Sadhana forms within a complete practice format.


Live via Zoom, $25 each

Guided Practice: Chaya Sancalanam Prelude


11am -12pm ET

  • Sep 15, 22

  • Oct 27



10:30-11:30 am ET

  • Oct 12

  • Nov 10

  • Dec 7, 21​

Q&A followed by a guided practice of Chaya Sancalanam Prelude.


Prerequisite: Introduction to Chaya Sancalanam workshop or prior experience

Live via Zoom, $25 each

Guided Practice: Chaya Sancalanam Prelude


11am -12pm ET

  • Sep 15, 22

  • Oct 27



10:30-11:30 am ET

  • Oct 12

  • Nov 10

  • Dec 7, 21​

Q&A followed by a guided practice of Chaya Sancalanam Prelude.


Prerequisite: Introduction to Chaya Sancalanam workshop or prior experience

Live via Zoom, $25 each

Introduction to Chaya Sancalanam Prelude

Two Saturdays,

Aug 17 & 24


10:30am-12:30pm ET

​This two-part workshop will introduce Chaya Sancalanam, which develops coordinated integration of the limbs with the aim of removing obstructions to the free movement of the life force. 


Prerequisite:  Introduction to Shadow Yoga or prior experience.

Live via Zoom, $50 each​ day

Guided Practice:  Ananda Tandava


6:45-7:45 pm ET

  • July 18, 25

  • Aug 1

These guided sessions will weave in Ananda Tandava within a Complete Practice Format. 


Live via Zoom, $25 each

Ananda Tandava:  Dance of Bliss

Sun, July 14


9:45am-1130pm ET

Open to All


1:30pm-3:00pm ET

Open to All


12:30pm - 5:15pm ET

Pre-requisite Requirement

“Creation arises from the drum: protection proceeds from the hand of hope: from fire proceeds destruction: the foot held aloft gives release.” 

Unmai Vilakkam, verse 36


Ananda Tandava is one of the Nrtta Sadhana forms involving coordination of the limbs in action within a circle walk. The form explores the symbolisms (hinted in the quote above) of the Nataraja, Shiva's form as the cosmic dancer.  This course will be offered in 2 parts as listed below:


9:45 am - 11:30 pm ET:  Live via Zoom, $50.  Open to All

The morning part of the course is open to all and will introduce the basic form.


1:30 pm - 3:00 pm ET:  Live via Zoom, $35.  Open to Morning Participants

Morning participants can participate in the review and refinement session of Ananda Tandava, followed by a guided Yoga Nidra​ weaving in symbolisms of Nataraja.  â€‹


​​9:45 am - 5:15 pm ET:  In-Person, $175, Pre-requisite: Refining Your Sadhana

The in-person day-long course is open to practitioners who have completed the Refining Your Sadhana Immersion in April. More nuanced aspects of the Ananda Tandava form will be taught and practiced within a complete practice format.


Registration/Inquiry via email:

Shadow Yoga Basics


10:30am-11:30am ET

  • May 4 & 18

  • June 15

  • July 6

These sessions will begin with a brief Q&A followed by a guided practice of the sequence presented in the Introductory workshop to promote body memory, facilitate refinement, and encourage home practice.


Live via Zoom, $25 each.  Prerequisite:  Introduction to Shadow Yoga

Introduction to Shadow Yoga

Sun, Apr 28

10:30am-12:30pm ET

"What is the body, that shadow of a shadow of your love, that somehow contains the entire universe” ~ Rumi


This workshop will introduce foundational principles and warmup practices of Shadow Yoga. While a prerequisite for anyone wishing to begin their Shadow Yoga studies, this workshop will benefit all yoga practitioners looking for a gentle and effective warmup sequence as a standalone practice or to incorporate into an already established personal practice.​


Live via Zoom, $50.  Open to All.

Registration/Inquiry via email:

Guided Practice:  Refining Your Sadhana


6:45-7:45 pm ET

  • April 18, 25

  • May 2, 16, 30

  • June 6, 20

These guided sessions will work with the various tools of sadhana articulated in the April 7th in-person immersion.


Live via Zoom, $25 each

In-Person Immersion:  Refining Your Sadhana

Sun, Apr 7

10:45am - 6:00pm

This full day immersion is for established Shadow Yoga Practitioners with Nrtta Sadhana experience.  Tools of Sadhana will be articulated and practiced in a guided manner, giving the practitioner a clear understanding of how to utilize each tool within a complete practice format and establish one's personal Sadhana.


This immersion is a requirement for participating in upcoming Refining Your Sadhana classes via Zoom.


In-Person in Nyack, NY, $175

Registration/Inquiry via email:

2024 Winter Recess


Due to moving, we will be on Winter break. Classes will resume in the Spring.

2023 Summer Sessions for Established Shadow Yoga Practitioners


6:45-7:45 pm ET

  • May 30

  • June 6

  • June 13

  • June 20

  • June 27

  • July 11

  • July 25

  • Aug 8

  • Aug 22

  • Sept 5

  • Sept 19


First 5 sessions will review each of the Preludes and the long form of Nrtta Sadhana:

  • May 30:  Bala Krama plus Asana Vinyasa

  • June 6:     Chaya plus Asana Vinyasa

  • June 13:   Kartikkeya (First Half) plus Asana Vinyasa

  • June 20:   Kartikkeya (Second Half) plus Asana Vinyasa

  • June 27:   Nrtta Sadhana plus Asana Vinyasa


Remaining summer sessions will be Freestyle, incorporating principles of Shadow Yoga and various elements from the Preludes and Nrtta Sadhana:

  • July 11

  • July 25

  • August 8

  • August 22


Live via Zoom, $25 each; Email me - - to inquire

2023 Winter/Spring Sessions for Established Shadow Yoga Practitioners

Select Wednesdays

6:45-7:45 pm ET


Due to my extensive travel plans in the Spring, guided sessions will be offered on select Wednesdays by invitation to existing students.


Live via Zoom, $25 each

In-Person Immersion:  Refining the Preludes and 8 Palms

Sat, Nov 12

11:00-5:00 pm ET

This full day immersion will be an opportunity to refine the Karanas of the 3 Preludes and the 8 Palms form of the Nrtta Sadhana. Warmups, simple Kriyas, and finishing work will be incorporated to demonstrate how these forms can be utilized within a complete practice format.


By Invitation Only

In-Person in Nyack, NY, $145

Guided Practice:  Ashta Matrikas (8 Palms)

3 Wednesdays

Aug 3, 10, 17

7:00-8:00 pm ET

These sessions will begin with a brief Q&A followed by a guided practice of Ashta Matrikas to promote body memory, facilitate refinement, and encourage home practice.


By Invitation Only

Live via Zoom, $20 per session

In-Person Immersion:  Ashta Matrikas (8 Palms)

Sun, July 31

11:00-5:00 pm ET

with 1 hour break

This in-person immersion will introduce the standing Ashta Matrikas (8 Palms).  This form will be in introduced and worked in depth for greater firmness, ease and integration.


By Invitation Only

In-Person in Nyack, NY, $145

Guided Practice: Freestyle with Hasta Karanas & Talasamsphotitam

Thurs, June 30

Wed, July 13

Wed, July 27

7:00-8:00 pm ET

These guided sessions will be freestyle in format. They will include Talasamsphotitam and Hasta Karanas for 8 Palms, as well as additional preparatory work for cultivating greater firmness and integration to prepare for the upcoming Nrtta Sadhana practices.


By Invitation Only

Live via Zoom, $20 per session

In-Person Immersion: Introduction to Nrtta Sadhana

Sun, June 12

11:00-5:00 pm ET

with 1 hour break

This in-person immersion will introduce the Nrtta Sadhana. Hasta Karanas for Ashta Matrikas (8 Palms) and Talasamsphotitam, as well as additional preparatory work for the Nrtta Sadhana, will be worked in depth for greater integration, ease and memory.


By Invitation Only

In-Person in Nyack, NY, $145

Guided Practice: Freestyle Format

Tues, May 24

7:00-8:30 pm ET

Q&A followed by a guided practice of the material covered in the workshop.


By Invitation Only

Live via Zoom, $25

Workshop: Freestyle Format

Sun, May 22

9:00-11:30 am ET

This freestyle format is designed to prepare for upcoming Nrtta Sadhana practices.


By Invitation Only

Live via Zoom, $45

Guided Practice: Kartikkeya Mandalam plus Seated Activity

Thurs, May 5

7:00-8:30 pm ET

Q&A followed by a guided practice of the material covered in the workshop.


Prerequisite: Kartikkeya Mandalam plus Seated Activity Workshop

Live via Zoom, $25

Workshop: Kartikkeya Mandalam plus Seated Activity

Sun, May 1

9:00-11:30 am ET

This workshop will refine the third prelude and introduce new seated activity to prepare for the upcoming Nrtta Sadhana practices.


Prerequisite: Introduction to Kartikkeya Mandalam Workshop

Live via Zoom, $45

Guided Practice: Chaya Yoddha Sancalanam plus Seated Activity

Wed, Mar 30

7:00-8:30 pm ET

Q&A followed by a guided practice of the material covered in the workshop.


Prerequisite: Chaya Yoddha Sancalanam plus Seated Activity Workshop

Live via Zoom, $25

Workshop: Chaya Yoddha Sancalanam plus Seated Activity

Sun, Mar 27

9:00-11:30 am ET

This workshop will refine the second prelude and introduce seated activity to prepare for the upcoming Nrtta Sadhana practices.


Prerequisite: Introduction to Chaya Yoddha Sancalanam

Live via Zoom, $45

Guided Practice:  Balakrama plus Seated Activity

Tues, Mar 1

Thurs, Mar 3

7:00-8:30 pm ET

Each session will begin with a Q&A followed by a guided practice of the Balakrama Complete Practice Format. The intent of the 2 day guided practice is to promote body memory, facilitate refinement, and encourage home practice.


Prerequisite: Balakrama plus Seated Activity Workshop

Live via Zoom, $45 for both sessions, $25 for one session

Workshop: Balakrama plus Seated Activity

Sat, Feb 26

Sun, Feb 27

9:00-10:30 am ET

This Complete Practice Format will introduce foundational seated asana vinyasa and closing activity. As we will utilize the Balakrama Prelude as the standing activity preceding the seated work, proficiency in Balakrama is a pre-requisite.


Prerequisite: Introduction to Balakrama

Live via Zoom, $50 for 2 day course

Guided Practice: Balakrama

Tues, Feb 15

Thurs, Feb 17

7:00-8:00 pm ET

Each session will begin with a Q&A followed by a guided practice of Balakrama. The intent of the 2 day guided practice is to promote body memory, facilitate refinement, and encourage home practice.


Prerequisite: Introduction to Balakrama or prior experience.

Live via Zoom, $35 for both sessions

Workshop: Introduction to Balakrama

Sat, Feb 12

Sun, Feb 13

9:00-10:30 am ET

This two day workshop will introduce the first Prelude: Bakakrama, which develops stamina, works the feet, and corrects the actions of the lower body through strengthening joint and bone work.


Prerequisite: Foundations of Shadow Yoga and Prelude Basics.

Live via Zoom, $50 for 2 day course

Guided Practice: Prelude Basics

Tues, Feb 1

Thurs, Feb 3

7:00-7:45 pm ET

These sessions will begin with a brief Q&A followed by a guided practice of Dasha Chalanam, Jiva Chalanam, and the ending sequence common to all 3 Preludes. The intent of the 2 day guided practice is to promote body memory, facilitate refinement, and encourage home practice.


Prerequisite: Foundations of Shadow Yoga & Prelude Basics
Live via Zoom, $25 for both sessions

Workshop: Prelude Basics

Sat, Jan 29

Sun, Jan 30

9:00-10:30 am ET

This workshop will cover in detail the ending sequence common to all 3 Preludes of Shadow Yoga.  Open to those who completed Foundations of Shadow Yoga course. This will prepare the practitioner for the upcoming Prelude courses.


Prerequisite: Foundations of Shadow Yoga
Live via Zoom, $50 for 2 day course

Guided Practice: Dasha Chalanam & Jiva Chalanam

Tues, Jan 18

Thurs, Jan 20

7:00-7:30 pm ET

These sessions will begin with a brief Q&A followed by a guided practice of Dasha Chalanam and Jiva Chalanam learned in the 2 day workshop. The intent of the 2 day guided practice is to promote body memory, facilitate refinement, and encourage home practice.


Prerequisite: Foundations of Shadow Yoga
Live via Zoom, $15 for both sessions

Workshop: Foundations of Shadow Yoga

Sat, Jan 15

Sun, Jan 16

9:00-10:30 am ET

This 2 day workshop will introduce the fundamentals of Shadow Yoga, as well as the warm-ups called “Dasha Chalanam” and “Jiva Chalanam.”  This workshop is a prerequisite for studying the 3 Prelude forms, which are Shadow Yoga's distinctive preparatory work involving strong leg work, circular movements, coordination of limbs, rhythmic breathing and bandha.

Open to all interested students.  
Live via Zoom, $50 for 2 day workshop


Specialty Workshop
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